Thursday, March 27, 2014


April is NATIONAL POETRY MONTH. There are many ways to celebrate throughout the month. (for complete details see the posts "Celebrating National Poetry Month," and "(5) Ways to Celebrate National Poetry Month," by clicking on the following link

My favorite way to celebrate is the APRIL POEM A DAY CHALLENGE (April Pad Challenge), as sponsored by Robert Lee Brewer of Writer's Digest.

This is a challenge to poets on all levels to write 30 poems in 30 days. This once local event is now world-wide in scope and is joined by poets everywhere. This year Mr. Brewer has added new and exciting tweaks to the event to make it even more interesting.

Personally I get so involved in the mix that I eat, sleep, and drink the poetry prompts of this event, all day, every day, all month long.  But I won't totally disappear.  When I come up for air sometime during the day, I will share these prompts and my efforts with you in a special posting, on BLACK POETS CAFE.
 As a result of the high level of energy and creativity, in the blogosphere during this time, however, I will not post my regular Poetry Challenges again until May 1st.

To get complete details and guidelines to the 2014 April Pad Challenge, click on the following link


There are only 5 days left until the challenge starts!  Get you pencils and notebooks ready...IT'S ON! 

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